Hello friend. I don't know how it is you've stumbled into this dark corner of the internet, but I'm glad to have you. Here you will find short essays, an occasional prose poem, but mostly the reveries of an idiot.

When I started this project I sought to build a quiet nest where that bluebird Bukowski wrote of could sing its song in solace. Where it could make music of the silence; where it could color the void. This is partly why I found it necessary to remain anonymous. You see, certain things, I believe, should be done when no one is looking. Not from shame or guilt, but to preserve the beauty of the thing, to preserve the joy one gets from it. Such is writing – that is, writing not for others, not for recognition, but for the sake of it, for oneself and one's joy.

So with that, my friend, I give you the following disclaimer:

The thoughts, if any, contained herein are by no means well-thought-out, meticulous, or substantive in any way. All written content is my own and no one else's. I write here for myself and for the sake of writing. I do not aim to please, influence, or pander to anyone. I am an idiot. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, think for yourself, and above all be honest with yourself. No one is the arbiter of truth. Expect nothing of substance from me. You have been warned.

If you want to get in touch: